日前有位日本網友分享被不良代儲業者詐騙的手法,引起許多玩家共鳴。不過,該網友分享的只是不良代儲業者的手法,並不是多數標榜正規代儲業者的做法。 The graphics are wonderful, the gameplay is sleek, as well as the people tend to be the smartest thing over it. I am able to play th
日前有位日本網友分享被不良代儲業者詐騙的手法,引起許多玩家共鳴。不過,該網友分享的只是不良代儲業者的手法,並不是多數標榜正規代儲業者的做法。 The graphics are wonderful, the gameplay is sleek, as well as the people tend to be the smartest thing over it. I am able to play th